Rugby For All
Founded in 2013 to provide Columbus with a fun, competitive, inclusive and social Rugby option, the Castaways have become a perennial playoff contender. Our club prides itself on playing entertaining rugby, keeping a lighthearted atmosphere and teaching new players the sport.
Interested in joining the team? Fill out the form below.
All Ages and Levels of Experience Are Welcome
Castaways range in age from early 20s to 50s, and some players know every trick while others are still figuring out how to stop being offside.
Practices Are On Tuesdays and Thursdays at Rhodes Park
Thinking of coming out? Join one of our weekly training sessions from 6 to 8 pm. at Rhodes Park. The rugby pitches are at the back of the park, past the soccer fields and basketball courts.
Hit the Bar
After Thursday practices we head to Woodland’s Backyard. After home games we also hold our socials at Woodland’s Backyard.
Schedule a Match
Please fill out the form below to contact our match secretary to schedule a match with us.
Ben Prow
Vice President
Dave Hinterschied
Fundraising Chair
Sam Cejda
Robert Overbeck
Match Secretary
Oliver O’Connell
Social Chair
Larry Akainyah
Fields Chair
Chris Aguero
Media & Marketing Chair
Adam Moore
Team Leaders
Rory Malloy
Forwards Captain
Thomas Mitchell
Backs Captain
Ollie O’Connell
D4 Captain
Charlie Wilson